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The Sukuma tribe of Tanzania have been known to use python feces in order to treat back pain. The feces are frequently mixed with a little water, placed on the back, and left for two to three days.

Stagnant water

Malaria and dengue are among the main dangers of stagnant water, which can become a breeding ground for the mosquitoes that transmit these diseases.[2]

Stagnant water can be dangerous for drinking because it provides a better incubator than running water for many kinds of bacteria and parasites. Stagnant water can be contaminated with human and animal feces, particularly in deserts or other areas of low rainfall.[2] Water stagnation for as little as six days can completely change bacterial community composition and increase cell count.[3]

Humor about poop is almost never funny and unoriginal.
byu/RhinoJew inunpopularopinion